Andaz Liverpool Street London Hotel *****

Liverpool Street •

Here’s the 24 hours you won’t forget… This Sunday you’ll be taking your +1 to this mystery filled, red-bricked 5-star hotel. Drop off your bags and then… it begins. Sitting on the throne of a Greek masonic temple, drinking champagne in a robe, dining in an old pub and even having breakfast in a 1901 Edwardian ballroom: some people seek for adventures, you are the adventure.

What to expect:

🧜‍♀️ Get off at Liverpool Street station and wander local galleries and independent boutiques

😎 Check in and put on a robe

🖐 Find your way to the Masonic Temple… And, have a sit on the throne

🗺 Head to the steam room…hidden in the health club…hidden in a former Egyptian temple

🤸‍♂️ Head to the lobby between 6 and 8 for an aperitivo… Boogie with the canapes and wine amongst graffiti lined walls

💅 Push the limits and pair your fish and chips with a glass of champagne

👑 Climb up the stairs to your 5-starred bed and have the deepest sleep of your week

🏄‍♀️ Wake up and slide down to a breakfast served under a glass dome of a 1901 ballroom

🌀️ Get back out in the to real world with surreal memories

Practical info